Want more free, original maps like this one of Nicaragua and Costa Rica's territorial dispute? Help us out by taking our super-short survey! |
Evan Centanni here - editor and lead cartographer of Political Geography Now. First, I want to say thank you - it's because of readers like that PolGeoNow has come so far in the past eight years, and we're looking forward to bringing you many more years of great free maps and articles!
Yes, I'm here to ask you to fill out a very short survey, so if you want to skip straight to that, go ahead:
Reader Survey: Your Opinion on Rewards for PolGeoNow Supporters (3 minutes)
As you probably know, PolGeoNow makes money from our Conflict Map Subscription Service, which offers regular updates to our various series of territorial control maps. You may not know that, because our number of paid subscribers is very small, we're still struggling to make a living off our work.
At the moment, we're working with a staff of just two - me, and our conflict map researcher Djordje Djukic. As you can imagine, the research, writing, and cartography that go into PolGeoNow are a lot for two people to do on their own. Unfortunately, it's often our free content that suffers - the news and maps on changes to world borders, country names, flags, and other fun stuff. You've probably noticed that our coverage is pretty inconsistent, with news articles often coming late, and some great topics slipping through the cracks entirely.
It took us a few months to report on Swaziland's name change to Eswatini. Accepting optional donations will help us bring the news to you sooner! |
If you can't contribute, don't worry! All the kinds of articles that are free now will continue to be free. And if the plan succeeds, you'll be getting more and more of the free maps you love, because the income will help me devote more time to our free content, and to eventually hiring more help. The only other change will be for our supporters on Patreon, who will be getting special additional rewards we wouldn't be able to offer otherwise.
Possible rewards could include behind-the-scenes peeks at our work process and future content, access to our internal timelines of recent and future world events, the power to vote on what maps we prioritize, or others. If that interests you, or if you have any other opinions about the plan, please take our three-minute survey to let us know! Your opinions will be taken into account in deciding which rewards we'll offer, and how much (if any) we can expect supporters to contribute for them.
3-Minute Survey: Your Opinion on Rewards for PolGeoNow Supporters
Thanks again for all your non-monetary support over the years, and of course a big thank you to all our paid subscribers too! PolGeoNow wouldn't still be here today if not for all of you!
Looking forward to an even better PolGeoNow,
Evan Centanni
Editor & Leader Cartographer
Political Geography Now
This message was originally posted on September 26, 2019.