"Thanks so much...the map is absolutely perfect!"
-Bonnie M., BBC News
Quality Coverage
Political Geography Now (PolGeoNow) chronicles changes to the world's countries, borders, and capitals, as well as territorial control in conflict zones and disputed territories. Every article features informative, easy-to-read maps and concise summaries of the latest news. The site is intended to be a high-value resource for professionals and scholars as well as teachers and regular people interested in geography and world politics.We strive hard to stay strictly politically neutral, reporting only what is, and never taking a position on what should be. In a world with plenty of other sources for political analysis and policy recommendations, PolGeoNow's content is designed not to favor or condemn any country, group, political party, or ideology - but we never censor the facts, even if some parties may find them inconvenient.
Outstanding Maps
PolGeoNow is widely praised for its top-quality, regularly updated original maps, which use data compiled from a range of news media and academic sources. They have been featured repeatedly in the University of Texas's Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection, and have appeared directly in numerous academic papers and textbooks, as well as materials from:- The World Bank
- The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR)
- International Crisis Group
- The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
- The US Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Al Jazeera
- Harvard International Review
- Bloomberg Television
- The Conversation
- The US Naval Institute
- Government offices in Germany, Belgium, the UK, the Netherlands, Finland, and Denmark
- BBC News
- The Economist
- The Wall Street Journal
- Al Jazeera
- The Guardian
- Stratfor
- Bloomberg Terminal
- The National Post
- Diplomatie magazine
We have also worked with other well-known organizations on map projects that aren't available to the public, and our content is used internally by various government ministries, as well as in classrooms and law offices.
Trusted Source
PolGeoNow is widely recognized for its uniquely extensive coverage of geopolitical changes and detailed tracking of territorial control in conflict zones. The site receives tens of thousands of visits every month from readers including university professors, magazine editors, diplomatic staff, government officials, and professional analysts. In addition to the many publications using our maps (see above), PolGeoNow has also been featured in the Taipei Times and linked to by sites including:Our reports have also been cited as sources in various academic reports and publications.
Funded by Readers Like You
We are a small operation that relies on your support to produce our maps and reports. If you would like to support our continued production of quality content, we encourage you to sign up for a subscription to our professional conflict mapping service. A subscription gives you access to much more great content while also helping to ensure our continued operations.Who We Are
The chief editor and cartographer of PolGeoNow is Evan Centanni. Most of PolGeoNow's content is currently produced by Evan and our conflict geography researcher Djordje Djukic, with others occasionally contributing.
In relation to his work with PolGeoNow, Evan was the 2022 recipient of the Richard Morrill Public Outreach Award from the Political Geography Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).
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